
Beyond the numbers

Autumn Statement 2015: 7 Rumours you need to make a note of

Ercan Demiralay 24/11/2015 3 minute read

Ercan Demiralay FCCA reviews what could be in store for tax payers as the Chancellor gears up for the Autumn Statement 2015.


How to apply value added tax rules for a UK removals business

Kathleen Parker 13/11/2015 4 minute read

Kathleen Parker FCCA explains how removers should treat VAT where services are supplied between different locations.

The truth about tax avoidance? Why it might not exist

James Tillotson 04/6/2015 4 minute read

James Tillotson FCA takes a sideways look at the controversial topic of tax avoidance.

Beware! HMRC are now attacking claims for losses

Edward Parker 03/6/2015 6 minute read

Edward Parker FCCA looks at examples where HRMC have disputed successfully people's claims of losses in an attempt to reduce their taxable gains.

The EU VAT rules all B2C technology companies need to prepare for

Ercan Demiralay 07/11/2014 3 minute read

Ercan Demiralay FCCA explains the VAT rules within the EU and what B2C tech companies need to do.

New tax relief for theatre productions

Matthew Wyatt 05/11/2014 3 minute read

Matthew Wyatt FCA explains the tax credit scheme that has been made available for theatrical productions.

What should you do about an increasingly aggressive taxman?

Edward Parker 29/5/2014 3 minute read

How you can limit the cost of potentially dealing with an uncompromising taxman in the event of a tax inquiry, by Edward Parker FCCA.

The Annual Investment Allowance increase means it’s time to invest in your business!

Matthew Wyatt 28/5/2014 4 minute read

Why companies need to act quickly to make use of the generous Annual Investment Allowance tax break, by Matthew Wyatt FCA.

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