
Beyond the balance sheet

How to find out if it's an SEIS or EIS investment [Infographic]

Ercan Demiralay 11/1/2016 2 minute read

Ercan Demiralay FCCA exhibits the rules that decipher whether an investment is classified as SEIS or EIS.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, considering investing in a company or new to the investment world, you need to know about the tax breaks and incentives available. For investors these allow you to potentially enjoy better returns while helping you manage risk. For entrepreneurs, you can raise much needed finance by knowing about and offering these schemes to help enhance the financial opportunity you're pitching. 

The problem that arises is the regulation around the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) and Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) is very specific and quite complex. Can you be sure that your business/the opportunity in question qualifies? That's why we've put the below infographic together to help you understand which (if either) of the two schemes is applicable to you.

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Is it an SEIS or EIS investment?

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Although the infographic provides an outlay of the rules, it's still advisable to seek professional advice in understanding which form of tax relief is applicable to your business circumstances or, any organisations you're considering investing in.

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The content of this post is up to date and relevant as at 11/01/2016.

Please be aware that information provided by this blog is subject to regular legal and regulatory change. We recommend that you do not take any information held within our website or guides (eBooks) as a definitive guide to the law on the relevant matter being discussed. We suggest your course of action should be to seek legal or professional advice where necessary rather than relying on the content supplied by the author(s) of this blog.


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